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  3. English-Montreal School Board elections

English-Montreal School Board elections

Voting takes place on Sunday, November 3 for the English Montreal School Board. Advance voting takes place on Sunday, October 27.

If you are registered on the English electoral list, you will have received by mail, during the week of October 21, an envelope containing information on voting locations and the list of candidates.

To verify if you are on the school board electoral list:

  1. Visit https://www.monbureaudevote.ca/CSEnglishMontreal/Pub/MonEndroit.aspx
  2. Enter your postal code without a space
  3. Enter your address civic number only (no street name)
  4. Click Search
  5. Click the tab: Am I registered?
  6. Enter your complete date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
  7. Click Search
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