This page has been updated on March 16, 2020 to reflect new developments.
Our top priority is the health, safety, and well-being of the public and our employees. Our workforce needs to remain healthy and at their posts if we are to be able to deliver services to the public. We decided the best way to mitigate the risk to our workforce of COVID-19 was to close public access to our buildings and facilities.
Therefore, effective today, March 15, 2020, the City Hall, the Public Works Building, and the Public Safety Station are closed indefinitely. This follows our decision to close the public library and all recreation facilities on March 12.
The City Hall is home to several front line services including permits, property tax payment, claims, archives and more. Over the next few days, the staff in each department will develop procedures for providing these services by phone or by e-mail, if possible. In some cases, such as permit applications, we have existing online tools that the public can use such as for overnight parking or renovations. In other cases, such as property tax bills, people can pay online via their financial institution or by mail. In the case of parking tickets and moving violations, an online payment system already exists.
Staff at the Public Works Building and Public Safety Station will also develop ways to provide services by phone and e-mail.
Although our buildings are closed to the public, our staff will be at work doing the city’s business and serving residents in a different way. It will take some time to adjust for our staff and the public. While there will be inconveniences, we are committed to providing the highest level of customer service given the circumstances we now face.
The regularly scheduled Council meeting of Monday, March 16, 2020, will occur, however with an updated agenda dealing with issues related to the pandemic and other issues that require an immediate decision. All other items will be postponed. As requested by the Quebec governement, the meeting will be closed to the public. Instead we encourage you to engage online during the livestream at You can also ask questions before the meeting at [email protected].
For updated information on how the City of Côte Saint-Luc’s response to COVID-19, visit