On Friday August 9, 2024, Montreal and surrounding areas received the biggest rainfall in over 100 years. Côte Saint Luc received 153mm rain in 24 hours. The average rainfall is usually 94mm for the entire month of August.
If your home experienced flooding due to the rainstorm, here’s what you need to know:
- If you haven’t already done so, contact your insurance company and follow their instructions. Document as much as possible with photos and videos.
- Visit the government of Quebec’s website for additional information on cleaning up after a flood https://www.quebec.ca/en/public-safety-emergencies/emergency-situations-disasters-and-natural-hazards/what-to-do-before-during-after-emergency-disaster/clean-up-your-house-and-yard:
We are asking residents who experienced water damage to please fill in this very short survey below. This data will help us better prepare for any future weather events of this kind. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=bpxLu1V6RUWbqulnH81bgabPXQBW4t9Go3czpJCTGHlURUxCSUdJVFMzWTVMSDlSWjNPNEdKWkcxVS4u
If your driveway is full of debris, you can obtain an overnight parking permit for your vehicle at cotesaintluc.org/parking.
- There will be a tolerance for materials / ruined items placed on your lawn and driveway.
- The City will be organising a special one-time waste collection on Friday, August 23, 2024 to pickup furniture (including upholstered items such as sofas) damaged in the flood and resulting the construction debris. Please be sure to have your items at the curb before 7am. Please note that hazardous waste items (such as old paint cans, batteries and aerosols), electronic waste items (such as computers, phones, and tvs) and appliances containing halocarbons (such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners) will not be collected. These items can be brought to the hazardous waste collection (Big Drop-Off) scheduled on Sunday, August 18, 2024 at the Public Works Yard (7001 Mackle), between 9 am and 5 pm. After August 18, you will have to bring these items items to an Ecocentre.
* NOTE: Some insurance compagnies are instructing their clients put damaged items at the curb for inspection/evaluation purposes. If this is your case and you don’t want your items collected on Aug. 23, be sure to move them from your front lawn/curb.
A reminder that before any major restoration work, you may have to obtain a permit from the City. Consult https://cotesaintluc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/URB_NeedPermitGuide_2024-09.pdf to know if you need a permit. You can apply for a permit online here: https://cotesaintluc.org/en/construction-and-renovation/permits/permit-application. And for any additional questions email [email protected].
Lastly, your home is your most important asset. Here are some reminders on how to protect it to prevent future flooding:
- Check and maintain the non-return valve (DAR) annually.
- Direct the roof and backyard runoff water away from the building.
- Check and clean the grills at the lower end of the driveway.
- Inspect and repair any cracks in the basement walls.
- Check and maintain the French drain and its connection.
- Keep stand-by pumps in case of emergency.