The content of this page has been updated to reflect the extension of deadlines for the payment of property taxes.
The City of Côte Saint-Luc adopted its operating budget and capital expenditures budget for 2021 at a special council meeting on December 21, 2020.
Operating budget highlights
- Revenues: $75,268,350 (1.72% increase over prior year)
- Revenues from taxes: $65,129,520 (1.20% increase over prior year)
- Local expenses: $46,819,750 (2.79% increase over prior year)
- Agglomeration of Montreal expenses: $29,393,100 (3.32% increase over prior year)
- Tax increase for an average residential home (house/condo/townhouse): 0%
- One-time tariff of $50 for single-family homes and $100 for duplexes to cover a portion of the costs to purchase and supply black garbage bins.
“Our primary objective when building the 2021 budget was to freeze taxes for the average residential home,” Mayor Mitchell Brownstein said. “The average house, condo and townhouse will see a 0% tax increase in 2021. In other words, if the value of the property in the last tax roll increased by less than 14.2%, your property tax bill will be lower this year. If your property value increased by more than 14.2%, you tax bill will be higher. And if your property rose exactly 14.2%, your property tax will be the same as last year. Our priority for 2021 will be to continue to stay connected with our residents by providing services that improve health and are safe through our library, parks and recreation and public works departments and by partnering with other organizations so every resident can remain engaged and active. Initiatives include our telephone broadcast system, increased online programming, professionally groomed dedicated tobogganing mountain, outdoor refrigerated ice at the annex and five more outdoor skating rinks.”
Côte Saint-Luc is introducing standardize garbage bins for single-family homes and duplexes in 2021. The help cover the cost of the bins, the city added a one-time tariff of $50 for single-family homes and a $100 tariff for duplexes.
“The new garbage bins with lids will allow us to collect waste more efficiently, and will complement our recycling and organic waste collections,” said Councillor Steven Erdelyi, who is the council member responsible for finances and the environment. “The garbage bin tariff will be payable in two installments on the same due dates as municipal taxes.”
The property tax bills will be sent to homes before the last week of January. The deadline to pay the first installment of property taxes is May 27, 2021. The deadline to pay the second installment is August 25, 2021.
The three-year capital expenditures plan was also adopted on December 21. Approximately $12.6 million in capital expenses is anticipated in 2021. It will be used sewer sleeving, road resurfacing and sidewalk repair projects, traffic lights and LED streetlights, parks and public spaces, renovations to Public Works yards, renovations to the building envelope of the Arena and the Singerman Park Chalet, and replenishment of Public Works aging vehicle fleet.
Budget documents are available at