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Côte Saint-Luc to develop municipal policy and action plan for becoming an Age Friendly City

The City of Côte Saint-Luc is pleased to announce that it has received $15,375 in financial assistance from the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, to support the development of a municipal policy and action plan as part of the Programme de soutien à la démarche Municipalité amie des aînés (MADA).

Over the next 24 months, the City of Côte Saint-Luc will work to create a Seniors Policy and Action Plan, which will help its population stay healthy and active and keep contributing to the vitality of Côte Saint-Luc.

Under Quebec’s MADA (Municipalités amies des ainés) program, the City has set up a steering committee that will embark on a process to put together an action plan that will, among other things, help older adults age well in community and maintain their independence, and reduce ageism. Municipal services, policies, and structures will be re-examined to better take seniors’ needs into account.

The City of Côte Saint-Luc wants to offer a safe, dynamic and inclusive living environment to its older adults to encourage their involvement and promote healthy and active aging. To that end, Côte Saint-Luc’s Age-Friendly Municipality (AFM) Plan of Action will focus on housing, transportation, outdoor spaces and buildings, community support and health services, participation and social involvement, as well as communication and information. In the next few months, citizens will be invited to participate in a variety of consultations that would help the city in its effort to become more age-friendly.

In 2019, Côte Saint-Luc was a finalist in the Smart Cities Challenge for its plan to use technology and human resources to help seniors age in place. Most recently, the City is a partner with the Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS) of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal in the research project Smart Environments Supporting the Ecosystem of Fragile and Isolated Seniors: The City of Côte Saint-Luc Living Lab.

The Age-Friendly Municipal Policy makes official the orientation by the City Côte Saint-Luc to make life better for seniors on our community.

The City Côte Saint-Luc would like to thank the Government of Quebec and highlight the total financial assistance of $15,375 granted to carry out this initiative.