If you take, or would like to take, the bus, metro, train, and would like to have faster more direct access, the STM wants to hear from you. The STM is reviewing the bus routes servicing CSL to get us to the metro faster, and to get us to work, to school, to medical appointments and shops using more direct routes.
You can give your opinion here: https://parlons-en.stm.info/project/secteur-cote-st-luc-hampstead-montreal-ouest-notre-dame-de-grace/consultation/la-parole-est-a-vous/consultations.
And be sure to join to the virtual public consultation that takes place on Dec. 6 at 6:30 pm. You can sign up here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yFjLMzKBRX6y2F4S5kJOOg