Contact information
6875 Décarie
(514) 342-4969
WebsiteIs a membership required to participate?
Are there any special eligibility requirements?
Are there any participation fees?
Are there any volunteering opportunities?
Contact information for volunteering opportunities
Shmuel Pinson 514 342 4969 ext. 247
This organization provides services for:
- Children (0-12)
- Teens (13-17)
- Young adults (18-24)
- Adults (25-59)
- Seniors (60+)
Programs offered:
- Religion
- Mental Health (Counselling Services, Support Groups, Crisis Hotline, etc.)
- Food Security
More info about the Religion program
- Lectures
- Services
- Children (0-12)
- Teens (13-17)
- Young adults (18-24)
- Adults (25-59)
- Seniors (60+)
- Other language
More info about the Mental health program
- Services
- Seniors (60+)
- French
- English
- Other language
More info about the Food security program
- Lectures
- Services
- Children (0-12)
- Teens (13-17)
- Young adults (18-24)
- Adults (25-59)
- Seniors (60+)
- French
- English
- Other language