Mitchell Brownstein Park

In addition to play equipment for toddlers and big kids, the Mitchell Brownstein Park features an open field play area and walking paths. Trees and seating are widespread throughout the park.

Park features

PlaygroundSeatingDogs allowedGreenspaceJogging / walking pathAccessible sitePicnic table

Playground features

Toddler swing (2-5)Big kid swing (6-12)Toddler misc. play equipment (2-5) Toddler slide (2-5)Big kid slide (6-12)Toddler game on spring (2-5)Big kid game on spring (6-12)Big kid play structure (6-12)Toddler climbing or rope structure (2-5)Big kid climbing or rope structure (6-12)Sand base


Barbecues are not allowed in this parkSmoking and vaping are not allowed in this park

Operating hours

Daily from 7 am to 11 pm

Contact us


Emerson / Kellert


45.471987187748, -73.66067076226
