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TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBERED 2596 AND ENTITLED: “By-law concerning specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposal for an immovable (SCAOPI)”
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that following the adoption by resolution of the above-mentioned draft by-law at a Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, April 11, 2022, the City of Côte Saint Luc will hold a Public Consultation Meeting on June 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall located at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, in accordance with the Act respecting land use planning and development.
The proposed by-law applies to projects which are not authorized by zoning or that deviate from certain norms and regulations. It allows citizens and the municipal council to assess each of these projects on a case-by-case basis depending on the integration into the surrounding context and the particular related issues. More precisely, if someone wishes to establish a use for the purpose of worship in the residential zones RU-1, RU-21, RU-32, RB-6, or RB-7 as illustrated in the annexed sketch to form an integral part of this notice, they will have to file a request for SCAOPI and follow the applicable procedure.
At this Public Consultation meeting, the Mayor or another member of council will explain the draft by-law and the consequences of its subsequent adoption and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to be heard.
The draft by-law doesn’t contain provisions making the by-law subject to approval by way of a referendum.
Any person can consult detailed documentation concerning the draft by-law on the City’s website at the following link: CoteSaintLuc.org/engage and copies of the draft by-law can be provided by sending a request to the following email address: [email protected]. Information on how to participate virtually may be found at https://cotesaintluc.org/engage/. This draft by-law will also be available for consultation at the City Hall, located at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Me Jonathan Shecter
City Clerk
For further information please contact Jeff Davey at 514-485-6800 or at [email protected]