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Public consultation meeting – Draft zoning by-law 2637

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PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that following the adoption by resolution of the above-mentioned draft by-law at a Special Council Meeting held on November 20, 2024, the City of Côte Saint‑Luc will hold a public consultation meeting on January 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m in the City Hall Auditorium (5801 Cavendish Blvd).

Please note that the meeting will be in person and there will be a recording available on the City’s website but no live broadcast.

The object of the by-law is to establish normative provisions related to use, the built environment, construction, equipment, landscaping, parking, signage, etc. Additional documents forming part of this by-law include the zoning plan, terminology and tables of uses and norms. Please note that this by-law would replace for all legal purposes, Zoning By-law number 2217 and all its amendments, as well as the By-law concerning pools in the City of Côte Saint-Luc, number 2618.

Any person can consult detailed documentation concerning the draft by-law on the City’s website at the following link: CoteSaintLuc.org/engage and copies of the draft by-law can be provided by sending a request to the following email address: [email protected].

This draft by-law will also be available for consultation at the City Hall, located at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The draft by-law contains provisions making the by-law subject to approval by way of a referendum. A notice providing the information pertaining to the applicable procedure concerning the approval by way of a referendum will be given by the City following the adoption of the by-law.


Florine Agbognihoue

Assistant City Clerk

For further information please contact Melanie Rothpan at 514 485-6800 extension 1602 or at [email protected].