The City Council of Côte Saint-Luc adopted a resolution on Friday, March 20, 2020, imposing the closure of non-essential commercial establishments, places or worship, and religious institutions, in addition to other measures.
The resolution also requests the Minister of Public Security extend the state of emergency the City declared on March 17, 2020. This approval for extending the state of emergency is required under the Quebec Civil Protection Act.
>> Read all the measures adopted in the resolution
>> Watch the special council meeting livestream
The Act states that: “A local municipality may declare a state of emergency in all or part of its territory where, in an actual or imminent major disaster situation, immediate action is required to protect human life, health or physical integrity which, in its opinion, it is unable to take within the scope of its normal operating rules or of any applicable emergency preparedness plan.”
Even before the imposition of the measures adopted today, officials at the City of Côte Saint-Luc have also been on the phone with shoppings centres urging them to close down. A few hours before the resolution was adopted, the Quarter Cavendish (Cavendish Mall) announced it was closing its doors, with the exception of its pharmacy, supermarket, and butcher. Many other non-essential stores have already followed.