Legal affairs

Commissioners for oaths

Some legislation requires a person to be sworn before signing a document or testifying. This formality makes the document or testimony more official or credible, all the more so as a person who knowingly states false or misleading information under oath is liable to charges of perjury under the Criminal Code.

Meeting with a commissioner for oaths

Some employees of the City of Côte Saint-Luc are appointed by the Minister of Justice for a renewable period of three years to administer oaths. To meet with a Commissioner for oaths, please go to the city hall front desk during opening hours or make an appointment by calling 514-485-6800.

You will have to present two (2) pieces of government-issued identification with your signature on them. At least one must be a photo identification and one must have your address on it: driver’s licence, health insurance card, passport, etc.

This service is offered at a cost of $5 + taxes.


The only responsibility of a Commissioner for oaths is to administer oaths. He or she is not obliged to verify the content of the declaration. In fact, it is to the person swearing an oath to know the content of the document that he or she sworn in.

On the other hand, Commissioners for oaths may refuse to administer an oath for some reasons.

Here are the main reasons for a refusal:

  • the document is not prepared in the required form;
  • the document contains glaring errors, vulgar or unreasonable assertions;
  • the person swearing an oath is not able to express his or her will.

For more information about the roles and responsibilities of Commissioners for oaths, please visit Justice Québec.