Living wild animal
To report a living wild animal, residents can contact the Côte Saint-Luc Dispatch Centre at 514-485-6960.
Dead wild animal on public property
To report a dead wild animal on public property, please contact the Public Works Department at 514-485-6868 or [email protected].
Dead wild animal on private property
Small wild animals can be buried or put in the garbage. If you find a dead wild animal on your property, do not touch it with your bare hands. Wear gloves to bury it or use a double plastic bag to pick it up and place it in another plastic bag to dispose of it. Wash your hands.
For large animals, you can contact a private company specialized in dead wildlife removal.
Some birds and mammals (coyote, wolf, grey fox, wild turkey, etc.) must be reported to the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs. In some cases, they may have to be handed over to a wildlife officer.