

Please note

The information contained on this page is simplified and for information purposes only. In case of a contradiction between the by-law and this document, the former will prevail.

A permit is required to remove a tree.


  • Tree – A tree is considered any living, erect, woody plant, including root system that is 10cm (3.9″) in diameter at a height of 1.4m (4’7″) above the ground.
  • Alter – To cut, damage, or destroy by any means the roots of a tree.
  • Cut down – To cut down, saw, chop, kill, or otherwise remove a tree by any means.
  • Fell – An operation to eliminate a tree by cutting its trunk crosswise.

General regulations

No person may alter, cut down, or fell any living tree in the City of Côte Saint-Luc unless the person first obtains a certificate of authorization.

A certificate of authorization may be obtained if a tree:

  • is dead
  • is afflicted by an incurable disease or illness that represents a risk of further infestation
  • constitutes a danger to personal health and safety
  • inflicts considerable damage to public or private property or is in danger of falling
  • must be felled or altered in the course of a public works or other project authorized by the City

Only the City of Côte Saint-Luc is authorized to maintain, alter, fell, or cut down a tree on City property.

Tree replacement

When a certificate of authorization is obtained, the City requires the tree(s) be replaced. In such cases, a deposit of $250 per tree is required, to be refunded once the replacement tree(s) is (are) planted.

Tree planting

No tree may be planted at less than 1m (3’3″) from the municipal property line.

No shrub or tree may be planted such that it will encroach within 1m (3’3″) of a city sidewalk, fire hydrant, or light standard.

No fruit-producing tree may be planted such that fruit may fall on a public sidewalk or street.

City order

Owners or occupants are required to trim remove or cut down any tree or shrub deemed to be a hazard or potential hazard by the City.

NOTE: By law, only Hydro-Québec, or a professional tree trimmer authorized by Hydro-Québec, has the right to carry out pruning or felling work if, at any time during the work, a person, part of a tree or tool is likely to be within three meters of a medium-voltage wire.

Protect your renovation investment by hiring a contractor licensed by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ).

How to apply for a permit

  • Bring a plan showing the location, species, diameter, approximate height, and reason for application.
  • Complete an online or PDF application form (see below).
  • Pay applicable fees. See Fee schedule guide for a detailed price list.

It is the responsibility of the owner to obtain required permits. It is the responsibility of the owner to obtain required permits. If you require more information or clarification, please contact the Urban Planning Department at 514-485-6800 or [email protected].