The information shown in the database indicating the possible presence (or not) of a lead service line is based on data available at the City. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, it is provided for information purposes only and without any guarantee as to its accuracy. In no way can it replace a factual verification. Residents must also take into consideration the information they have on their building in order to determine conclusively whether or not there is a lead service line. The City of Côte Saint-Luc cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the use of the information provided on the site and I undertake to notify any person using this information.
To find information on an address, use the search format of civic number and street name, such as 5020 Macdonald.
If you cannot find your street, it is likely because the subdivision was developed after 1976 and these areas do not have water service lines made of lead.
Water filter rebate program
If there is a possibility that your water service line is made of lead, see our Water filter rebate program.
Note: Apartment buildings with eight or more units—even older ones—did not use lead service lines. A wider pipe was required and these were not made from lead. Although there are exceptions, houses and duplexes part of subdivisions built on or before 1975 likely have lead service lines, and the ones from 1976 onward likely do not.