vCOP services
The Volunteer Citizens on Patrol (vCOP) program was launched in 2006. vCOP volunteers patrol the city to observe and report any suspicious activities or problems. Côte Saint-Luc is the first city in Quebec to implement the Volunteer Citizens on Patrol (vCOP) program, an innovative approach to community safety and security. Similar programs have been established in communities throughout Canada and the United States.
Working in collaboration with Côte Saint-Luc Public Safety, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and the Montreal Police Department , vCOP members patrol the city, observing and reporting any suspicious activities or problems. VCOP members are not law enforcement personnel; instead, they act as the eyes and ears for our emergency services.
Visible on the streets and in parks, and at many special events throughout the year, the vCOP patrols help deter crime and assist people in need. They also assist residents and visitors by informing them about city services and municipal by-laws. VCOP members patrol in marked vehicles – numbered 901, 902 and 903 – as well as on bicycle and on foot.
Vacation Spot Check Program
Planning on going on vacation?
You should ask a trusted neighbour or friend to do periodic spot checks of your home.
You can also use the free Vacation Spot Check service from the Côte Saint-Luc vCOP. The service is available to residents of single-family homes, semi-detached homes, duplexes and townhouses. For now, it’s only available to residents who will be away for at least two weeks.
Here’s how it works.
vCOP members will visit your home and check for signs of forced entry, like broken windows, open doors, or torn screens. They’ll also remove flyers, circulars and newspapers from the front steps.
They won’t take away your mail. You’ll need a trusted neighbour or friend for that, or you can ask Canada Post to hold your mail while you’re away. If your side and back yards are accessible, the vCOP members will walk around your property and inspect those areas, too.
If they spot any signs of forced entry during the inspection, they will notify the police.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 514-485-6800 ext. 5101.
Vacation Spot Check Application FormPDF, 619 KB
How to join vCOP
VCOP is always looking for new members to join their team. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and reside, work or have a vested interest in Côte Saint-Luc. Since some patrol activities can be physically demanding, volunteers must be in good physical condition. They must pass a security check, have good interpersonal and communication skills, possess a positive attitude and be able to work in a team environment.
Members are required to commit to a minimum of six hours of patrolling each month.
There is a one-time membership fee of $75, which is used to defray the costs of uniforms and accessories. Your cheque, payable to the City of Côte Saint-Luc, must accompany the completed application form.
Download the vCOP application formPDF, 106 KB
Volunteer training
All members of Côte Saint-Luc’s Citizens on Patrol volunteer program are required to take the basic training course, which comprises seven modules. Here’s an idea of the topics covered during training:
- Sense of observation and skills to develop for effective patrolling;
- Incident response protocols;
- Team relay procedures;
- Personal safety;
- Municipal by-laws;
- Crime prevention;
- First aid, CPR and defibrillation.
Training is provided by volunteers, as well as representatives of local law enforcement, EMS and Fire Protection, whenever possible.
The City of Côte Saint-Luc is looking for more recruits to expand its successful Volunteer Citizens on Patrol program.
For more information about the program, contact the vCOP team at 514-485-6800 or [email protected].
Register for the information session
vCOP sponsored by Côte Saint-Luc Car Wash and other generous members of the community
We are grateful to our valued corporate sponsors who have helped to make the program a reality. To find out how you may assist Côte Saint-Luc Volunteer Citizens on Patrol through sponsorship or donation please contact us at [email protected].