Grasscycling, it’s simple, practical and good for the environment.
What is grasscycling?
Grasscycling involves leaving grass clippings on the ground after mowing.
How is it done?
Cut grass to between 6 and 8 centimetres high (this helps conserve moisture). Leave the clippings on the lawn and let Mother Nature do the rest. Clippings of 3 centimetres will decompose in 48 hours.
Why should I grasscycle?
- It’s an excellent natural fertilizer for your lawn. Grass clippings return fertilizing nutrients to the soil, so you’ll need fewer pesticides on your lawn.
- Grass is 80% water. Leaving clippings on the lawn quenches its thirst. This means less watering.
- For a more beautiful lawn. Decomposing turf nourishes micro-organisms beneficial to soil health, helping thatch to decompose.
- As of June 1, 2023, the use of leaf blowers is prohibited in Côte Saint-Luc (By-law 2470-2) between June 1 and August 31. So instead of raking the grass manually, save time and effort and leave it on the lawn.
A few myths…
Grass clippings left in place detract from the visual appearance of the lawn.
The clippings are not visible on the lawn if the cut is made under good conditions: avoid cutting grass when it is humid and clippings should be no longer that 3 centimeters.
Leaving grass clippings in place encourages the build-up of thatch.
Grasscycling does not promote thatch formation, since the residues are rapidly decomposed by soil bacteria and fungi.
Grass clippings will end up all over the pool and house.
The clippings decompose rapidly and disappear within 24 to 48 hours after mowing.
Grass clippings left on the ground cause damage to the lawn.
If you cut no more than a third of the grass blade at a time, the residue will decompose quickly.