The following robocall was sent to residents on Sunday, December 6, 2020, at 7pm.
To hear this message,
This is Mayor Mitchell Brownstein with an update on Covid-19.
The public Health department has provided us with an update on the situation in our city. The outbreak at Maimonides Geriatric Centre has required special attention. Most Covid-positive residents have now been relocated to the Hotel Dieu and the Jewish General hospitals. We are requesting further precautions such as mandatory regular testing of staff. The virus is once again infecting our most vulnerable, not only at senior residences and hospitals, but also seniors living independently at home. They too are getting infected through contact with their children and grandchildren. There are outbreaks at schools and too many gatherings.
We need to do the right thing and avoid gathering for the sake of our parents and grandparents, our friends and neighbours.
We will save many lives if we work from home where possible, wear masks, wash our hands, physically distance, and stay within our family bubble. Each day brings us closer to the vaccine.
Even as we remain apart, we need to find ways to stay connected. That’s why the Côte Saint-Luc is partnering with many organizations in order to provide you with every type of programming and services based on your needs.
We will be launching our referral service in the new year to help you find activities with like-minded individuals who share your interests.
In the meantime, call your friends and family every day. Go for walks, swim at our pools, skate on our rinks, take out a book from the library, do yoga or any fitness activity you enjoy at home. Take a drive around our city to enjoy our CA VA BIEN ALLER “colours of the rainbow” lights on our poles. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will get there together.