The following message was sent by phone to subscribers of the CSL emergency alert system on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 7:30pm.
This is Mayor Mitchell Brownstein with an update on COVID-19. In the last 12 days Cote Saint Luc has had more than 100 new cases. As a comparison, it took 110 days or 3 and a half months to get 100 new cases.
We haven’t seen numbers as high as this since the month of April. But unlike in April, most of the cases are in apartments, condos and single-family homes, as opposed to seniors’ residences.
What we are experiencing now is community transmission. That means you must take extra precautions if you are age 70 or older or have underlying medical conditions. Any indoor activity now poses a higher risk.
Be ready to order your groceries online. I know many of you have learned how to do this. I also know that stores are much better organized now and are better able to deliver groceries to your home. If you don’t use the internet and need phone numbers to stores that deliver, please call the city and we’ll give you those numbers. Call us at 514-485-6800.
The Government of Quebec based on recommendations from their health department has adopted the following red zone regulations for our region, including Cote Saint Luc.
The government is allowing seniors who live alone to have one visitor at a time. The visitor can be a relative, friend, caregiver or a homecare worker. Remember to wear masks, physically distance and wash your hands. For those of you who do not live alone, you are not allowed to have friends or family over to visit, indoors or outdoors, but may have a tradesperson like a plumber enter your home when needed. To families with young children, you can continue to use our parks, but only with the people you live with. When you’re at the park, you cannot gather with other families. What about city services?
Libraries have been closed. However, we are able to continue the library’s outdoor pick-up service.
All sport or fitness activities in a group are no longer allowed, so we’ve had to cancel hockey, fitness classes, swim classes, swim team and other similar programming for as long as Quebec deems Cote Saint Luc to be in a Code Red zone. However individual fitness activities are allowed to continue, like free swim and free skate. So please keep active, by participating in our on-line fitness programming, walking, jogging, biking, swimming, skating, or working out at home.
I know it can get confusing. But whatever the rules are on any given day, don’t forget the goal, which is to stop—as much as possible—the spread of COVID-19. So please remember to wear your mask, keep two meters apart and wash your hands as often possible.
Keep safe.