The following robocall was sent to residents on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at 7:30pm. To hear this message visit
This is Mitchell Brownstein with a health and safety update related to Covid-19.
Since March 1st, hundreds of Côte Saint-Luc residents have been vaccinated at Décarie Square against the Coronavirus. This is great news. If you are age 70 and older and haven’t booked a time yet, please do. If you need help booking an appointment, please get a pen and paper ready and I’ll tell you what number to call at the end of this message.
The vaccination campaign is the good news. But there is also bad news. The number of Coronavirus cases in Côte Saint-Luc continues to rise, even though they are falling elsewhere in Quebec.
Public health authorities in our area are concerned. Over the last few weeks, we have the highest number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants with 0-9 years olds being the most infected group, along with their parents or those between the ages of 30-39. The new variant strain of the virus is ever present in schools and elsewhere in our community, which is far more contagious spreading much faster. Because of the rising numbers in our area, and because of the upcoming holidays in April, I’m asking everyone to continue minimizing contacts, wearing surgical masks covered with cloth ones, and following all other health recommendations.
Let me end of a positive note. As you may know, the website works very well. That’s the website one can use to book a reservation to be vaccinated. A few weeks ago, I asked our city management to find ways to help seniors who weren’t able to do it themselves, and who had no one else to help them. Our staff was eager to help and have helped book many reservations so far. It has given them an immense satisfaction to help seniors in this way.
As promised, if you aren’t able to use to book your reservation, I’ll give two telephone numbers you can use to book by phone. You can call the official reservation line at 1-877-644-4545. Alternatively, you can call us at the City of Côte Saint-Luc. Our number is 514-485-6800, extension 1002.
Be well. Stay safe. Take of yourself.