The following robocall was sent to residents on Sunday, March 21, 2021, at 7:30pm. To hear this message visit
This is Mitchell Brownstein with a health and safety update.
The number of positive cases of Coronavirus in Côte Saint-Luc has been going up, including cases of the variant. This is the bad news. However, we received good news when the public health authority announced that parents of children who attend a daycare or school in the H4W, H3W, and H3S postal codes can get vaccinated. And teachers and staff can also get vaccinated. Most—but not all—daycares and schools in Côte Saint-Luc are included. Our MNA, MP and I are all trying to convince the health authority to expand this pilot project to all daycares and schools on our territory.
To the parents, teachers, and staff who are eligible, I have a simple message: you have been given an extraordinary opportunity. Please get vaccinated. Do it for your family. Do it for your local community. Do it for everyone on the island of Montreal. Do it for all Quebecers. Do your part.
If your children attend one of those daycares or schools, you should have received a notice from the school administrators with information on how to register for the vaccination.
The public health authority is helping our community.
If the variant can be stopped in its tracks in Côte Saint-Luc, then public health officials will know that their strategy works. It will be a huge benefit to public health science. So, if you are eligible, please make an appointment and get vaccinated.
And remember, if you are age 65 or older, you, too, can get vaccinated. If you book on Monday morning, you can get a spot the same day. Visit If you need help booking it, call us at city hall at 514-485-6800.
Finally, I wish those recently celebrating Nowruz as well as those soon to be celebrating Easter and Passover the very the best. As always, please follow all the public health rules during your observances.