The spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is worrying to many in our community. While the City of Côte Saint-Luc relies on the Quebec health authorities for information and care for our population, the city has a role to play in distributing that information and in adjusting the services and activities we provide that bring people together.
The following is a list of the actions we are taking now. These actions may change based on the advice and guidance of the health authorities.
- We are reviewing our emergency preparedness plan, which includes steps to take during a pandemic.
- We are reviewing which library and recreation programs and activities could be postponed or cancelled, particularly those that bring together those most affected by Coronavirus such as older adults and those with underlying medical issues.
- We are placing signs at our municipal buildings—similar to those at Quebec CSSS facilities—asking people with relevant symptoms to not enter our facilities and to go home and call Info-Santé at 811.
- We are placing signs at our library encouraging people to keep at least 6 feet from one another at tables or in the lounge areas.
- We are posting signs, messages, and videos on our various screens and Internet presence about hand washing and other prevention techniques.
- We are adding signage to help visitors locate the hand sanitizer dispensers at our facilities.
The situation is evolving. Côte Saint-Luc will make decisions about whether to cancel public gatherings this spring and summer based on recommendations from public health authorities.
For more information about the Coronavirus and how Côte Saint-Luc is reacting, visit