The Mayor of the City of Côte Saint-Luc thanks clergy for their support on efforts at social distancing as the spring holidays approach
Côte Saint-Luc, April 6, 2020 — As spring holidays celebrated by a large number of religious communities draw near, Côte Saint-Luc Mayor Mitchell Brownstein thanks the representatives and leaders of the denominations in the community for reminding their members that compliance with the rules of containment and social distancing will remain essential to defeat the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic.
“The Quebec government directive is clear: no one is allowed to be in your home if they don’t live there. Police departments now have the power to knock on your door and ask for identification from everyone in a household to ensure there are no outside guests—and they have already been knocking on doors. This means that if you include guests at your Passover seder or Easter dinner, police may knock on your door and you could be fined $1,000.”
– Mayor Mitchell Brownstein, City of Côte Saint-Luc
“As tough as it was to close our churches we must now do something even tougher. We must refrain from gathering with our extended families. We must celebrate in our homes. We must stay safe, and keep others safe by respecting the public health guidelines. This will be our way of opening our hearts but keeping our families safe.
“May you and your loved ones know the Peace and Joy of this Easter season.”
– Father Peter Laviolette, Pastor, St. Richard’s Parish, Côte Saint-Luc
“The Montreal Board of Rabbis, Federation CJA, and the Jewish Community Council have all repeatedly and clearly stated, no one at your seder except those living under your roof. No exceptions. To ensure that we are all together next year we must be apart this year.”
– Rabbi Reuben Poupko, Beth Israel Beth Aaron Congregation
“Depuis le premier Pessah de la sortie d’Egypte il y a 3300 ans où les Hébreux sont restés confinés c’est la première fois dans l’histoire qu’Israël reste aussi confiné. Plus encore, à l’époque seule une famille souche pouvait manger l’agneau pascal aujourd’hui aussi aucune invitation et visite ne sont autorisés.
“Acceptons donc dignement les instructions gouvernementales et respectons les à la lettre d’autant qu’elles corroborent à la vérité historique d’antan.”
– Rabbin Yaacov Lévy, Congrégation Beth Rambam
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Media contact: Darryl Levine, [email protected], 514-485-8905