Beginning Monday, July 6, the Aquatic and Community Centre pools will reopen to Côte Saint-Luc residents with proof of residency and picture ID for adults.
- Lap swim is by reservation only (45-minute block).
- Open swim at the recreation pool is available on a first-come, first-served basis (45-minute block).
Reservations for lap swim may be made up to one week prior, one booking per day, to a maximum of 3 times per week.
ACC Building Access
Patrons must enter and exit the building via the 5794 Parkhaven main entrance. Patrons will be asked health questions and must wash their hands.
Face coverings
A face coverage must be worn at all times while inside the ACC or any municipal building. This includes the pool deck. Patrons without a face covering will not be permitted to enter the ACC. If a patron doesn’t wear their face covering throughout the visit to the ACC, they risk not being permitted back inside in the future.
All patrons are responsible for respecting the 2-metre physical distancing guideline.
Washrooms and locker rooms will be available for those using the ACC.
ACC Competition Pool
Lane reservations can be made online at with an active Parks and Recreation account, or by calling 514-485-6806 ext 2200.
- One swimmer per lane, unless sharing a lane with another swimmer from the same household.
- Swimmers are required to bring their own equipment as none will be provided.
- Swimmers must shower before entering the swimming pool.
Time blocks:
- 12pm – 12:45pm
- 1pm – 1:45pm
- 2pm – 4:45am
- 3pm – 3:45pm
- 4pm – 4:45pm
- 5pm – 5:45pm
ACC Recreation Pool
A maximum of 11 people can be using the recreation pool/beach area at one time. These blocks are on a first-come, first-served basis. No floatation equipment or toys will be provided.
Time blocks:
- 12pm – 12:45pm
- 1pm – 1:45pm
- 2pm – 4:45am
- 3pm – 3:45pm
- 4pm – 4:45pm
- 5pm – 5:45pm
ACC Front Desk
The ACC front desk will be open on Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5 from 10 am to 3 pm. Beginning Monday, July 6 it will be open from 11 am to 6 pm.