Are you, or were you recently, a caregiver of a citizen over the age of 65 living in Côte Saint-Luc?
The CIUSSS West-Central Montreal’s Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGES), the City of Côte Saint-Luc and several partners are carrying out a research project aimed at codeveloping, at the scale of the City of Côte Saint-Luc, a model of support around intelligent environments in order to allow older citizens to live at home as long as possible. The project is entitled: Les environnements intelligents en soutien à l’écosystème des aînés fragiles et isolés : le Living Lab de Côte Saint-Luc
We need your help!
The team is soliciting the participation of caregivers to understand how an intelligent environment could be integrated into a human support system that brings together all the players in Côte Saint-Luc who are essential to home care. This would involve participating in workshops to help us 1) understand the existing support network in Cote Saint-Luc and 2) enhance that network with connected technologies. To participate:
- You must be or have been in the last few years, the caregiver of a Côte Saint-Luc citizen over 65 years old.
- No special knowledge required!
- For more information or to participate, contact us: [email protected]
Visit the following web page on the City of Côte Saint-Luc website for more information on the project: