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  3. Côte Saint-Luc calls on...

Côte Saint-Luc calls on other cities to stand with the Jewish community

The City of Côte Saint-Luc and residents of all faiths, languages, cultures, and backgrounds stand with the Jewish community. Over the last 48 hours, there have been reports of antisemitism in communities across Canada, including Côte Saint-Luc.  

We call on our fellow municipal leaders to join us in denouncing this attempted intimidation of our fellow citizens. We must rise to the occasion and, in one voice, reaffirm our Canadian and Quebec values of equality, respect, and safety.

Those who throw rocks at Quebecers, shout slurs at Quebecers, and attempt to intimidate Quebecers are violating the norms and the laws of our society. If Canada is to continue to be Canada, leaders from all areas must forcefully call out such ugly behaviour.