The City of Côte Saint-Luc is horrified by the indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel. These attacks are deeply worrying to the City Council and residents of Côte Saint-Luc.
During this crisis, we express our solidarity with the people of Israel, and in particular with the residents of Ashkelon, our twin city, and of Be’er-Sheva, the sister city of the Montreal Island Jewish community. We find it difficult to imagine the relentless attacks and trauma faced by residents in those communities.
On May 11, 2021 two residents of Ashkelon were killed and dozens injured after the Hamas government in Gaza fired 137 rockets in five minutes towards Ashkelon. These rocket attacks are intolerable and it is entirely justified for the State of Israel to respond, as would Canada or any other country. These rocket attacks must be immediately condemned by international leaders.
The city of Ashkelon has been honoured in Côte Saint-Luc with a street name, Ashkelon Crescent, and with a green space, Ashkelon Gardens. The relationship between the two communities started in 1975, when then Mayor Samuel Moskovitch led a delegation to Ashkelon. Officials from Ashkelon have visited Côte Saint-Luc over the years.