Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Côte Saint-Luc Cats Committee (CSLCC) had to cancel its annual benefit concert for the second year in a row. In its place once again will be a virtual presentation to formally promote our raffle.
The virtual show will take place on Saturday, October 9 (8 pm) featuring celebrated composer, pianist and singer Edwin Orion Brownell and be broadcast live at https://www.facebook.com/edwinorion. Edwin has gained notice since the start of the pandemic for his Facebook live concerts for various causes.
Côte Saint-Luc City Councillor Mike Cohen, responsible for Animal Protection, wishes to thank D’Arcy McGee Liberal MNA David Birnbaum who has helped kick start the committee’s fundraising campaign with a generous contribution.
Funds raised will go towards the CSLCC’s Trap, Neuter, Release and Adopt Program. There are many feral cats in the community. The CSLCC’s team of volunteers sets out to trap as many as possible, have them sterilized and then adopted or returned to the spot where they were originally found. In the latter case, efforts are made to assist the feeders of outdoor cats in the community. The committee has also rescued a number of kittens and found homes for them.
The Raffle drawing will take place in December 2021. Prizes will include Montreal hotel getaways and meals, restaurant gift cards, a beautiful painting by Katerina Meritakis, a stunning designer blanket from Moishe Campbell, appliances , movie passes, books and clothing items to name a few. Single tickets are $15. The purchase of two or more tickets are $10 each (each ticket will be entered into the grand prize draw). Etransfer to: [email protected] (no security question required). In the message, please indicate number of tickets, your name, home address, email address and phone number. A confirmation of purchase and ticket numbers will be sent to you by return email. Questions pertaining to the raffle can be addressed to the above email address. For cash and cheque purchases, please contact Diane Liebling at 514-236-2099