Homes, businesses, and institutions may receive a visit from the Green Patrol from now until mid-August 2021. The Green Patrol is an island-wide program to provide information about ecological issues. Their main goal this summer will be to bring awareness to residents on good practices concerning waste management, greening (tree planting and gardening) and water conservation.
The Green Patrollers, Ainsley and Henri, will not ask to enter the home. They will be wearing a green t-shirt and have proper identification.
Founded by the Conseil régional de l’environment of Montreal, the project consists of patrollers who raise awareness on issues concerning the environment in and around the city. The patrollers are full time Cegep or University students who are hired by a local ‘Eco-Quartier’ or local organization, during the summer.
The Green Patrol’s objective was to inform and sensitize citizens about better environmental practices and habits, especially involving the management of hazardous waste, climate change, and ecological gardening by way of different activities (door-to-door, kiosks, day camps and other events).