The City of Côte Saint-Luc goes to great lengths to accommodate its residents and guests who park on city streets during civic and religious holidays.
The city normally prohibits parking on streets between 3 am and 6 am and residents must call Public Security to request a temporary parking permit. However, the city grants a general overnight parking tolerance on many holidays — particularly those with out-of-towners visiting or when religious observance makes it difficult to move one’s car. As such a parling tolerance will be in effect from Monday, April 22 at 5 pm to Wednesday, May 1 at 8 am.
Note: This tolerance includes overnight parking, alternate-side parking (wrong side of the street) and parking at the same location for 12 consecutive hours. Vehicles are not permitted to park in front of fire hydrants, in fire lanes, in front of driveways, in no-stopping zones or anywhere else when parking is never permitted.