The Public Works Yard is filled to capacity and is not accepting construction, renovation or demolition waste (CRD) or bulky waste.
CRD waste can be dropped off at Écocentre Côte-des-Neiges (6928 Côte-des-Neiges Rd, tel: 514-872-3517.) or at the Écocentre Lasalle (7272 Saint-Patrick St., tel: 514-872-4899). The service is free for residents who drop-off limited amounts in a private vehicle, but a fee will apply for larger loads or drop-offs by contractors. Proof of residency and photo ID are required. Find out more about the Ecocentres including hours of operation.
Bulky waste can still waste can still be left at the curb on Tuesdays (starting at noon) for regular Wednesday pickup. Remember each household is allowed only 3 items for collection each week. Find out more about the City’s bulky waste collection.
Residents can still continue to drop-off a limited amount of garden waste such as branches at the Public Works Yard. For quantities exceeding more than a car trunk full, fees will be applied.
For more information: 514-485-6868 or [email protected]