Councillor Ruth Kovac believed that there was no greater gift than the gift of life. Councillor Kovac organized her first blood donor clinic in 1984 with the Mount Sinai Auxiliary and then every year since 1988 with the City of Côte Saint-Luc. She herself donated blood more than 40 times. Councillor Kovac passed away on October 1, 2019. The City of Côte Saint-Luc is honouring her memory by naming its annual blood donor clinic The Ruth Kovac Blood Donor Clinic.
The Ruth Kovac Blood Donor Clinic will take place on Tuesday May 3, 2022, between 1pm and 8pm at the CSL Gymnasium located at 5794 Parkhaven. You must book an appointment by calling 1-800-343-7264, emailing [email protected], or by booking online at:
The chairperson for this year’s event is Councillor Oren Sebag.
Héma-Québec has everything in place to ensure that donating continues to be a safe experience. Many measures at all collection sites, include access control at the sites by taking the temperature of donors and volunteers, additional sanitizing measures, and revised logistical organization of the drives in order to respect the distancing measures.
Who can donate blood? Anyone who is healthy and 18 years of age or older can usually donate blood. Before going to a blood drive, you can check your eligibility by visiting