There’s a lot going on at the ACC and the Library this Spring Break!
Feb. 26 to Mar. 8, 2020
[av_font_icon icon=’ue842′ font=’entypo-fontello’ style=” caption=” size=’20px’ position=’left’ color=’#005646′ link=” linktarget=” animation=’deactivated’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-17s7is4′ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_font_icon] ACC, Gym: 5794 Parkhaven
[av_font_icon icon=’ue842′ font=’entypo-fontello’ style=” caption=” size=’20px’ position=’left’ color=’#005646′ link=” linktarget=” animation=’deactivated’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-kz4mes’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_font_icon] Library: 5851 Cavendish
WEDNESDAY, February 26
Clay Creation
2 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
Registration required.* For library members (6 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
FRIDAY, February 28
Movie Afternoon: The Lion King (2019)
2 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
For library members (5 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
SUNDAY, March 1
Model Airplane Expo
12 pm to 3:30 pm, City Hall (5801Cavendish), second floor.
Open to all. Free.
MONDAY, March 2
Teen Zone
11 am to 6 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
For teens 11 to 17 yrs. Free with Fun Card or 3$.
11:30 am to 3 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Must be comfortable in deep water. Free with Fun Card or regular pool fees.
Wacky Science
1 pm to 2 pm (for children 5 to 7 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
2 pm to 3 pm (for children 8 to 10 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Clay Creation FULL
2 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
Registration required.* For library members (6 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
Drop-in Basketball
4 pm to 6:30 pm, Gym (5794 Parkhaven)
Open to all. Free with Fun Card or regular gym fees.
TUESDAY, March 3
Teen Zone
11 am to 6 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
For teens 11 to 17 yrs. Free with Fun Card or 3$.
Hip-Hop Dance
1 pm to 2 pm (for children 5 to 7 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
2 pm to 3 pm (for children 8 to 10 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Origami FULL
2 pm, library (5851 Cavendish)
Registration required.* For library members (6 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
Drop-in Basketball
4 pm to 5 pm, Gym (5794 Parkhaven)
Open to all. Free with Fun Card or regular gym fees.
Make your own Jewellery
1 pm to 2 pm (for children 5 to 7 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
2 pm to 3 pm (for children 8 to 10 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Drop-in Basketball
10 am to 4 pm, Gym – half gym only (5794 Parkhaven)
4 pm to 6:30 pm, Gym (5794 Parkhaven)
Open to all. Free with Fun Card or regular gym fees.
Teen Zone
11 am to 6 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Age: 11 to 17. Open to all. Free with Fun Card or 3$ for drop-in.
Make your own Terrarium FULL
2 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
Registration required.* For library members (6 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
1 pm to 2 pm (for children 5 to 7 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
2 pm to 3 pm (for children 8 to 10 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Sugar Shack FULL
2 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
Registration required.* For library members (6 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
Drop-in Basketball
4 pm to 5 pm, Gym (5794 Parkhaven)
Open to all. Free with Fun Card or kids 5$, adults 6$.
Teen Zone
4 pm to 8 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Age: 11 to 17. Open to all. Free with Fun Card or 3$ for drop-in.
FRIDAY, March 6
Teen Zone
11 am to 6 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Age: 11 to 17. Open to all. Free with Fun Card or 3$ for drop-in.
11:30 am to 3 pm, ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Must be comfortable in deep water. Free with Fun Card, or regular pool fees.
1 pm to 2 pm (for children 5 to 7 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
2 pm to 3 pm (for children 8 to 10 yrs), ACC (5794 Parkhaven)
Drop-in Basketball
2pm to 4 pm, Gym – half gym only (5794 Parkhaven)
4 pm to 6:30 pm, Gym (5794 Parkhaven)
Open to all. Free with Fun Card or regular gym fees.
Movie Afternoon: The Lion King (2019)
2 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
For library members (5 to 12 yrs) only. Free.
Family Movie Night – Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
7 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
Open to all. Free.
SUNDAY, March 8
The Amazing Todsky Magic Show
3 pm to 4 pm, CSL library (5851 Cavendish)
Open to all. Tickets: $5 per person.
* To register for CSL Library programs: 514-485-6900 extension 4121 or [email protected].