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PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the Undersigned, Me Jonathan Shecter, City Clerk, that the Côte Saint-Luc City Council adopted, at its Regular Meeting held on January 17, 2022, loan by-law 2587 entitled:
“By-Law 2587 authorizing a loan of $263,000, including professional fees, for facility upgrades at Trudeau and Yitzhak Rabin Parks in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc
No valid request for approval by way of referendum having been received from the qualified voters during the 15-day period for receiving written applications for a referendum vote, said by-law is therefore deemed approved by the aforementioned qualified voters.
Loan by-law 2587 was approved by the Ministère des Affaires Municipales et de l’Habitation on April 13, 2022.
The object of the by-law for facility upgrades at Trudeau and Yitzhak Rabin Parks in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc.
Loan by-law 2587 is available for consultation on the City’s website at the following address:
www.cotesaintluc.org. This by-law will also be available for consultation at the City Hall, located at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by submitting a request to [email protected] by email.
This by-law comes into force according to law.
Given at the City of Côte Saint-Luc, on this 11th day of May 2022.
Me Jonathan Shecter
City Clerk
For further information, please contact Mr. Angelo Marino at 514-485-6800 or at [email protected]