PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
- At its Regular Meeting of January 17, 2022, the Côte Saint-Luc City Council adopted the following by-laws:
By-law 2583 entitled: “By-Law 2583 authorizing a loan of $882,000, including professional fees, for the purchase and installation of residential water meters at various locations in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc”, on a term of ten (10) years;
By-law 2585 to be entitled: “By-Law 2585 authorizing a loan of $635,000, including professional fees, for the purchase and installation of LED streetlights at various locations, in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc”, on a term of fifteen (15) years;
By-law 2586 to be entitled: “By-Law 2586 authorizing a loan of $210,000 for the purchase and planting of various trees within the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc”, on a term of five (5) years;
By-law 2587 entitled: “By-Law 2587 authorizing a loan of $263,000, including professional fees, for facility upgrades at Trudeau and Yitzhak Rabin Parks in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc”, on a term of five (5) years;
By-law 2588 entitled: “By-Law 2588 for the purchase and installation of an irrigation system at Trudeau Park and the application of the sum of $186,000 taken from the balance available on By-Law 2480 in view of financing an expense of $186,000”;
By-law 2589 entitled: “By-Law 2589 authorizing a loan of $84,000, including professional fees, for the renovation of the building envelope at the Samuel Moskovitch Arena and Singerman Park Chalet”, on a term of fifteen (15) years;
By-law 2590 entitled: “By-Law 2590 authorizing a loan of $510,000, including professional fees, for repairs of the roof at the Aquatic and Community Centre Building situated at 5794 Parkhaven Avenue and reconstruction of Rooftop structures at City Hall, situated at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard”, on a term of ten (10) years;
By-law 2591 entitled: “By-Law 2591 authorizing a loan of $140,000 for the purchase of vehicles and equipment”, on a term of ten (10) years;
By-law 2592 entitled: “By-Law 2592 authorizing a loan of $530,000 for the purchase of heavy vehicles and heavy vehicle equipment”, on a term of fifteen (15) years; - The objects of the proposed loan by-laws are as follows:
• By-law 2583: the purchase and installation of residential water meters at various locations in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc;
• By-law 2585: the purchase and installation of LED streetlights at various locations, in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc;
• By-law 2586: the purchase and planting of various trees within the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc;
• By-law 2587: facility upgrades at Trudeau and Yitzhak Rabin Parks in the territory of the City of Côte Saint-Luc;
• By-law 2588: the purchase and installation of an irrigation system at Trudeau Park and the application of the sum of $186,000 taken from the balance available on By-Law 2480 in view of financing the expense;
• By-law 2589: the renovation of the building envelope at the Samuel Moskovitch Arena and Singerman Park Chalet;
• By-law 2590: repairs of the roof at the Aquatic and Community Centre Building situated at 5794 Parkhaven Avenue and reconstruction of Rooftop structures at City Hall, situated at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard;
• By-law 2591: the purchase of vehicles and equipment; and
• By-law 2592: the purchase of heavy vehicles and heavy vehicle equipment; - Each of the loan by-laws shall be charged to taxpayers on the whole territory of the Municipality of Côte Saint-Luc;
- By virtue of Ministerial Order 2021-054 dated July 16, 2021, and adopted in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the procedure for the registration of qualified voters under Chapter IV of Division II of the Act Respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities (C.Q.L.R., chapter E-2.2) can be replaced by a 15-day period for receiving written applications for a referendum vote;
- All requests must be received by 4 p.m. on February 10, 2022, either by email at [email protected] or by mail at the following address: 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, Côte Saint-Luc (Québec) H4W 1A6. People formulating requests by mail are encouraged to do so as soon as possible due to postal delays;
- Qualified voters entitled to have their names entered on the referendum list for the City of Côte Saint-Luc may request to have the aforementioned by-laws submitted to a referendum. Such request must be made in writing and it must include the following information: The number and title of the by-law for which the request is made, the qualified voter’s name, address, title and signature. A copy of one of the following documents must be included with the request: health-insurance card, driver’s licence, Canadian passport, Certificate of Indian status, or Canadian Forces Identification Card. If the name of the person is not already on the list of qualified voters entitled to be entered on the referendum list of the City, the request must also include a document attesting its right to be entered;
- The number of signatures needed to require that a referendum poll be held for the by-laws is 2,251. If this number is not reached, the by-laws will be deemed approved by the qualified voters;
- The by-laws may be consulted in the “Public documents” section of the City website www.cotesaintluc.org;
- The result of the registration process for the said by-laws will be available at the City Clerk’s office located at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, Côte Saint-Luc (Québec) H4W 1A6 and tabled at the next regular meeting of the City Council;
A qualified voter is any person who enters into one of the following two categories on January 17, 2022 (and at the time he exercises his right):
(1) Any individual (natural person) who:
• is domiciled in the territory of Côte Saint-Luc;
• has been domiciled for at least six (6) months in Quebec;
• is of full age (18 years old);
• is a Canadian citizen;
• is not under curatorship; and
• is not disqualified to exercise their right to sign the Register pursuant to the provisions governing the Act Respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities (C.Q.L.R., chapter E-2.2).
(2) Any individual (natural person) or a legal person domiciled or not domiciled in the City of Côte Saint-Luc (concerned sector) or whose head-office is or is not located there, but who:
• has, for at least 12 months, owned an immovable or has occupied a business establishment within the territory of Côte Saint-Luc;
• is of full age (18 years old);
• is a Canadian citizen;
• is not under curatorship; and
• is not disqualified to exercise their right to sign the Register pursuant to the provisions governing the Act Respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities (C.Q.L.R., chapter E-2.2).
(1) A legal person who is a qualified voter exercises his rights through one of its members, administrators or employees designated for that purpose by resolution.
The designated person must, also, on January 17, 2022 (and at the time he exercises his right):
• be of legal age;
• be a Canadian citizen;
• not be under curatorship; and
• not be disqualified to exercise their right to sign the Register pursuant to the provisions governing the Act Respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities (C.Q.L.R., chapter E-2.2);
(2) The co-owners of an immovable who are qualified voters in the sector concerned designate from among themselves, by a power of attorney signed by the majority of them, a person who is not entitled to be entered on the referendum list in another capacity, in the following order of precedence:
• as a domiciled person;
• as the sole owner of an immovable; or
• as the sole occupant of a business establishment.
(3) The co-occupants of a business establishment who are qualified voters in the sector concerned designate from among themselves, by a power of attorney signed by the majority of them, a person who is not entitled to be entered on the referendum list in another capacity, in the following order of precedence:
• as a domiciled person;
• as the sole owner of an immovable;
• as the sole occupant of a business establishment; or
• as the undivided co-owner of an immovable.
(4) Legal persons, co-owners and co-occupants must file their resolution or power of attorney when registering. The resolution or power of attorney takes effect on the date of receipt and remains valid until it is replaced.
Except in the case of a person designated to represent a legal person, no one may exercise their right to sign the Register in more than one capacity, pursuant to section 531 of the Act Respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities (C.Q.L.R., chapter E-2.2).
The request must contain a copy of an identification card, as well as all the elements mentioned in paragraph 6.
Additional information to complete a request provided by the present notice can be obtained through the Undersigned, at 514 485-6800, or by email [email protected].
Me Jason Prévost
Assistant City Clerk
Referendum Vote Request Form concerning the adoption of loan by-laws (PDF)