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To: Qualified voters entitled to have their names entered on the referendum list within the perimeters of zones RU*-62, RM-60, RU-42 et RU-43
Object: By-law numbered 2217-60 and entitled:
“By-Law to amend the Zoning By-Law No. 2217 of the City of Côte Saint-Luc in order to reduce the actual limits of zone RU*-62, to repeal zone RM-60, to create the new zone HM-7, to replace the table of uses and norms of zone RU*-62 and to modify the definition of “mixed dwelling”.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
At its meeting on July 10, 2023, the Côte Saint-Luc City Council has adopted by-law number 2217-60 and entitled “By-Law to amend the Zoning By-Law No. 2217 of the City of Côte Saint-Luc in order to reduce the actual limits of zone RU*-62, to repeal zone RM-60, to create the new zone HM-7, to replace the table of uses and norms of zone RU*-62 and to modify the definition of “mixed dwelling”.”
The object of the by-law is to reduce the actual limits of zone RU*-62, to repeal zone RM-60, to create the new zone HM-7, to replace the table of uses and norms of zone RU*-62 and to modify the definition of “mixed dwelling.”
Qualified voters entitled to have their names entered on the referendum list for the concerned zones as well as the contiguous zones within the City of Côte Saint-Luc may apply to have the aforementioned by-law submitted to a referendum poll by entering their name, address and capacity, together with their signature, in two registers opened for that purpose.
A sketch illustrating the perimeters of the concerned zones as well as the contiguous zones is annexed herewith to form an integral part of this notice.
The registers for this by-law will be opened, uninterrupted, on Monday, August 21, 2023 between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall located at, 5801 Cavendish boulevard.
The number of signatures needed to require that a referendum poll be held is:
- Register RU*-62 and RU-43
RU*-62 (area concerned) | RU-43 (area contiguous) | |
Number of eligible voters | 13 | 308 |
Number of signatures required in the register | 7* | 42** |
*25 people or less = 50% **(x – 25) x 10% +13 |
- Register RM-60, RU-42 and RU-43
RM-60 (area concerned) | RU-42 (area contiguous) | RU-43 (area contiguous) | |
Number of eligible voters | 1 | 298 | 308 |
Number of signatures required in the register | 1* | 41** | 42** |
*25 people or less = 50% **(x – 25) x 10% +13 |
If this number is not reached, the by-law will be deemed approved by the qualified voters.
The results of the registration process will be announced in the City Hall (where the register is held), on Monday, August 21, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon as they are available.
The by-law may be consulted and obtained and an illustration of the concerned zone as well as the contiguous zones may be consulted, free of charge, at the municipal archives located at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard between Monday and Friday, during regular office hours, said hours being 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by consulting the City’s website at the following link: CoteSaintLuc.org/engage.
An qualified voter is:
- Any person who is not disqualified from voting and who fulfills the following conditions as of July 10, 2023:
- Be domiciled in the areas concerned or contiguous; and
- Be domiciled at least since six months in Québec;
- Any person who is not disqualified from voting and who is a sole owner of an immovable or occupant of a place of business as of July 10, 2023 and fulfills the following conditions:
- Is, for at least the past twelve months, sole owner of an immovable or occupant of a place of business, within the meaning of the Act respecting municipal taxation (C.Q.L.R., chapter F-2.1) located in a area concerned or contiguous;
- Has produced or will produce at the same time of the application, a signed document by the said sole owner or occupant requesting to be placed on the referendum list.
- Any person who is not disqualified from voting and who is an undivided co-owner or co-occupant of a place of business as of July 10, 2023 and who fulfills the following conditions:
- Is, for at least the past twelve months, an undivided co-owner or co-occupant of a place of business in a area concerned or contiguous;
- Must have designated, from amongst themselves by a power of attorney signed by the majority of the undivided co-owners or co-occupants who, for at least the past twelve (12) months, were undivided co-owners or co-occupants (similar to the interested person that has the right to sign and be inscribed on the referendum list). The designation must have been produced or will be produced, at the latest, at the time of the application.
In the case of a natural (physical) person:
- He must be of full age (18 years old), a Canadian Citizen and not under Curatorship.
In the case of a Company (personne morale)
- He must exercise his rights through one of its members, administrators or employees designated for that purpose by resolution. The said member, administrator or employee must, on July 10, 2023, be of full age (18 years old), a Canadian Citizen and not have an incapacity as per the law; and
- The said company must have produced or will produce at the same time of the application, a resolution designating the authorized person to sign the application and to be inscribed on the referendum list.
Except in the case of a person designated to represent a legal person, no one may exercise their right to sign the register in more than one capacity, pursuant to section 531 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (C.Q.L.R., chapter E-2.2).
To sign the registers, you must establish your identity by presenting one of the following documents:
- Your health insurance card;
- Your driver’s license; or
- Your Canadian passport.
Me Pascalie Tanguay
City Clerk
For further information please contact Florine Agbognihoue at 514-485-6800 ext. 1704 or at [email protected]