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PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the Undersigned, Assistant City Clerk of the City of Côte Saint-Luc, that at a Regular Meeting of the City Council to be held on July 10, 2023, at 8:00 P.M., at 5801 Cavendish Boulevard, the Côte Saint-Luc City Council will adjudicate upon requests for minor exemption, said requests being more fully described hereunder:
- 5523 Borden, Lot 1 560 598, Zone RU-3
The request is to allow a land subdivision and conversion of the existing Detached, Single-Family Dwelling into a Semi-Detached, Single-Family Dwelling:
- With no interior parking spaces on the proposed lot 6 079 434 (existing house) and with one (1) interior parking space on the proposed lot 6 079 435 (new attached dwelling), instead of providing two (2) interior paring spaces when the dwelling’s proposed area is greater than 167.22 m² (1 800 sq.ft.), excluding the area of the garage and of the basement floor; and,
- With both proposed lots 6 079 434 and 6 079 435 each having a minimum land frontage of 11.4 meters (total semi-detached dwelling land frontage of 22.8 meters) instead of the minimum required land frontage for each lot of 12.19 meters (total semi-detached dwelling land frontage of 24.38 meters).
The whole notwithstanding the provisions of Zoning By-law no. 2217 Annex “B” (zone RU-3) and Article 7-2-1 a).
- 6585-6595 Mackle, Lot 1 561 097, Zone HM-4
The request is to allow the installation of two signs on the existing mixed dwelling:
- One sign to be located on the façade facing Mackle Rd. with a maximum sign area of 55.5sq.ft. instead of the maximum permitted sign area of 20sq.ft.; and
- One sign to be located on the façade facing Armstrong Av. with a maximum sign area of 22.8sq.ft. instead of the maximum permitted sign area of 20sq.ft..
The whole notwithstanding the provisions of Zoning By-law no. 2217, Article 9-3-2.
- 5615 Rand, Lot 1 053 134, Zone RU-22
The request is to allow the construction of a second storey and lateral extension on the existing Detached Single-Family Dwelling:
- Without having to provide a two-car garage when the dwelling’s proposed area is greater than 167,22 m² (1,800 sq. ft.), excluding the area of the garage and of the basement floor; and
- With a maximum Building Height of 28ft.-8in. instead of the maximum allowable height of approximately 26ft measured from the City sidewalk as per zoning by-law 2217 which states that the maximum authorized height of any building in the concerned zone shall be neither inferior nor superior by more than 25% in relation to the average height of the neighbouring buildings located at less than 30m (98.5 ft.) on the same side of the street.
The whole notwithstanding the provisions of Zoning By-law no. 2217 Annex “B” (zone RU-22), Article 7-2-1 a) and Article 14-11-4.
- 6501 Kildare, Lot 2 871 970, Zone IR-19
The request is to allow the construction of a patio in the Front Yard at a distance of 0m (0ft.) from the Front Land Line, instead of locating the patio at the rear of the main building with a minimum rear and lateral setback of 0.91m (3ft.).
The whole notwithstanding the provisions of Zoning By-law no. 2217, Article 4-4-1 and Article 4-4-5 c).
- 5624 Hudson, Lot 1 053 091, Zone RU-20
The request is to allow the construction of a balcony in the rear yard:
- Located at a minimum distance of approximately 1.6 feet from the rear land line instead of the minimum required distance of 10 feet from the rear land line;
- With a maximum encroachment of approximately 16.7 feet into the minimum rear setback instead of the maximum permitted encroachment of 10 feet into the minimum rear setback.
- At a minimum distance of approximately 10 inches from the common land line instead if the minimum required distance of 2ft from the common land line in the case of a semi-detached dwelling.
The whole notwithstanding the provisions of Zoning By-law no. 2217 Annex “B” (zone RU-20), Article 4-4-3, Article 4-2-2 Table 1 and Article 4-4-5 a).
Any person interested in the present request may address the Côte Saint-Luc City Council at the
above-mentioned Regular Meeting.
GIVEN at the City of Côte Saint-Luc, this 21st day of June 2023.
Florine Agbognihoue
Assistant City Clerk
For further information please contact Melanie Rothpan at 514-485-6800 ext. 1602 or at [email protected]