Côte Saint-Luc, May 23, 2020 — The City Council of Côte Saint-Luc is expected to table a draft by-law at a special council meeting on Monday, May 25, 2020, that will require face coverings at all municipal buildings and inside stores, and hand sanitizer at apartment buildings and condominiums as well as signage indicating that masks be worn in elevators and common areas.
If adopted in its current state, the draft by-law would enacted the following changes
- Apartments and condos: owners of apartment buildings and condominium associations will have to (a) make available hand sanitizer at the entrance of their buildings and inside or outside the elevator, and (b) place at all entrances a Quebec government poster called Information aux propriétaires et aux locataires d’immeubles à logements multiples.
- Stores: Store owners or managers cannot allow a customer inside their store who isn’t wearing a face covering. The stores must also implement a programme following the guidance in the document Interim Recommendations for Grocery Stores and Essential Businesses produced by the Institut national de santé publique.
- Municipal buildings: Visitors must wear a face covering at all times inside municipal buildings.
Draft By-law 2557 (PDF) is posted at cotesaintluc.org/city-government/public-documents/draft-by-laws. Send your comments on the draft by-law to [email protected] by Friday, May 29. Watch the tabling of the draft by-law at the special council meeting livestream on Monday, May 25 at 8pm at https://youtu.be/4bF0A7rEXzw.
In addition to the rules contained in By-law 2557 (PDF), the City Council is also expected to adopt a resolution with suggestions for the public. This will include that residents wear face coverings in all public spaces in Côte Saint-Luc, such as parks. The draft resolution containing these recommendations is available at cotesaintluc.org/city-government/public-documents/draft-by-laws.
The following table summarizes the various new measures and recommendations that the City Council is expected to propose.
Mandatory | Recommended | |
Customers in stores wearing face coverings | X | |
Staff (who interact with customers in stores) wearing face coverings, masks, or visors, or be separated by barrier from the public | X | |
Visitors to municipal buildings wearing face coverings | X | |
Stores creating a safety and supervision program | X | |
Persons in public spaces (eg, parks) wearing face coverings | X | |
Persons in elevators and common spaces in apartment buildings and condos wearing face coverings | X | |
Condo or apartment owners or managers making available hand sanitizer at building entrances and outside and/or inside elevators | X | |
Condo or apartment owners or managers posting health and safety sign entitled Information aux propriétaires et aux locataires d’immeubles à logements multiples, and Recommendations for residents in apartments and condos | X |
“If enacted, our proposed by-law will help reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus in Côte Saint-Luc in two ways: first, by making hand sanitizer available at the apartment buildings and condos, which is where half our population lives, and second by requiring face coverings at municipal buildings and at stores, where it isn’t always possible to maintain a distance of 2 metres.” – Mayor Mitchell Brownstein
“As stated by the Government of Canada, wearing a mask alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19. You must consistently and strictly adhere to good hygiene and public health measures, including frequent hand washing and physical distancing.” – Councillor Oren Sebag, council member responsible for public safety issues