Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Côte Saint-Luc Cats Committee (CSLCC) had to cancel its annual benefit concert. In its place will be a virtual variety show and a raffle.
The variety show will be broadcast live on Thursday, October 22 at 7:30 pm at www.facebook.com/cotesaintluc [icon name=”external-link-alt”]. It will also be premiered at www.YouTube.com/cotesaintluc [icon name=”external-link-alt”] at the same time.
As for the raffle, items up for grabs will be posted at www.cotesaintluc.org/catscommittee as of Monday, November 2. They include a Ritz-Carlton Hotel [icon name=”external-link-alt”] package valued at $1,000, a dinner at Petros Taverna [icon name=”external-link-alt”], a nine piece comforter set from Megavente Entrepots [icon name=”external-link-alt”], a handmade quilt from Moishe Campbell, items from Ben and Tournesol boutique [icon name=”external-link-alt”], a selection of gift baskets, wine, champagne, jewelry, pet food and a gift certificate from Little Bear [icon name=”external-link-alt”] in Westmount and Hagen Pet Supplies [icon name=”external-link-alt”] and much more. Tickets will be $10 each and available for purchase via etransfer.
Côte Saint-Luc City Councillor Mike Cohen, responsible for Animal Protection, notes that the video presentation will include musical performances from Nick Burgess (and his cat), Alexandra Cohen, String Katz and The Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra. Some local media and their cats make cameo appearances: Charli Paige from Virgin Radio, Dan Spector from Global TV and Dave Kaufman from CJAD. Internationally acclaimed standup comic Andy Kindler even talks about his love for cats. D’Arcy McGee Liberal MNA and event sponsor David Birnbaum, Côte Saint-Luc Mayor Mitchell Brownstein and Mount Royal Liberal Member of Parliament Anthony Housefather bring words of welcome. Viewers will also learn more about the exceptional raffle from CSL Cats Committee Chair Diane Liebling and Raffle Chair Malka Labow, in conversation with event emcees Cohen and Danielle Belanger of the CSL Public Library
Funds raised will go towards the CSLCC’s Trap, Neuter, Release and Adopt Program. There are many feral cats in the community. The CSLCC’s team of volunteers sets out to trap as many as possible, have them sterilized and then adopted or returned to the spot where they were originally found. In the latter case, efforts are made to assist the feeders of outdoor cats in the community. The committee has also rescued a number of kittens and found homes for them.
The event is being dedicated to Donald Adeles, an original member of the committee who passed away recently.
For more information call 514-485-6806, ext. 2200 or log on to www.cotesaintluc.org/catscommittee.