Enjoy the following winter indoor and outdoor recreational activities in the City of Côte Saint-Luc during the holiday period and into 2023.
Facilities listed below without a link to a fixed schedule means they are open on a first-come, first-served basis. Please respect other users and share the space.
Indoor sports activities
Côte Saint-Luc Gymnasium, 5794 Parkhaven Ave. (schedule)
ACC indoor pools, 5794 Parkhaven Ave. (schedule)
Indoor ice rink
Samuel Moskovitch Arena, 6985 Mackle Rd. (schedule)
Toboggan hill
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park, 6975 Mackle Rd. (site conditions)
Groomed cross-country ski trails
Gary Carter Field, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park, 6975 Mackle Rd. (site conditions)
Wagar Field, 5785 Parkhaven Ave. (site conditions)
Outdoor ice rinks with boards
Confederation Annex at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park, 6975 Mackle Rd. (schedule)
Richard Schwartz Park (Côte Saint-Luc Rd. / Smart Ave.) (site conditions)
Outdoor ice rinks without boards
Centennial Lake at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park (6975 Mackle Rd.) (site conditions)
Donald Fletcher Park (Baily Rd. / Kinsley Rd.) (site conditions)
Irving Singerman Park (Régal Ave.) (site conditions)
Rembrandt Park (Rembrandt Ave.) (site conditions)
CSL Tennis Club ice rink (8215 Guelph Rd.) (site conditions)
To learn more about our facilities and parks, visit www.CoteSaintLuc.org/places.