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To all the electors of the City of Côte Saint-Luc:
NOTICE is hereby given that, on April 16, 2024, the Commission de la représentation électorale has confirmed that the City of Côte Saint-Luc meets the conditions required under Section 40.1 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities to renew the division of the territory into electoral districts adopted in 2008 under By-law no 2295.
The electoral districts are delimited as follows:
Electoral District no. 1 – Number of voters: 2902
Description: District number 1 consists of four non-adjacent parts:
Part A: (located southeast of the racetrack and entirely bounded by the municipal limits): starting at the intersection of the northwest and northeast property lines at 6855 Clanranald Avenue and 6900 Décarie; successively from there the following lines and demarcations (according to a simplified summary of municipal limits): to the southeast, the northeast and then southeast property lines of 6855 Clanranald Avenue and 6900 Décarie, the southeast property line at 6800 MacDonald Avenue, the back lines of properties fronting the southeast side of Tommy Douglas Street, the back lines of properties fronting the southeast side of Bernard Mergler Crescent, the southeast right of way of the railway along David Lewis Street, to the starting point.
Part B: (located southwest of MacDonald Park and entirely bounded by the municipal limits): starting at the intersection of Langhorne Road and MacDonald Avenue; successively from there the following lines and demarcations (according to a simplified summary of municipal limits): toward the southeast, MacDonald Avenue, the northwest right of way of Queen Mary Road, the southwest property lines at 5551 and 5553 Queen Mary, the back lines of properties fronting the southwest side of MacDonald Avenue, Langhorne Road to the starting point.
Part C: (located southeast of Zone B, from the other side of Queen Mary Road and entirely bounded by the municipal limits): starting at the intersection of MacDonald Avenue and the southeast right of way Queen Mary Road, successively from there the following lines and demarcations (according to a simplified summary of municipal limits): toward the southeast, MacDonald Avenue, Aumont Park and its extension southwest, the back lines of properties fronting the southwest side of MacDonald Avenue, the southwest right of way of Queen Mary Road, to the starting point.
Part D: (located at the eastern extremity of the main part of the municipality and partly bounded by the municipal limits): starting from the intersection of the northeast right of way of Alpine Avenue and the southeast right of way of Côte Saint-Luc Road; successively from there the following lines and demarcations (according to a simplified summary of municipal limits): toward the southwest, the southeast right of way of Côte Saint-Luc Road, the southwest property line at 6715-6721 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the southwest and northwest property lines at 6707-6713 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest and northeast property lines at 6695-6701 Côte Saint-Luc Road the back line of properties fronting the northwest side of Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest property line at 5510 Robinson Avenue, the back property line at 6595 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest property line at 5505 Cavendish Boulevard, the northwest property line at 5500 Borden Avenue, the back line of properties fronting the northwest side of Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest property line at 5501 Randall Avenue, the back property line at 6505 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northeast right of way of Alpine Avenue to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 2 – Number of voters: 3192
Description: Starting at the intersection of Mackle Road and the northeast municipal limits (main part of the municipality): successively from there the following lines and demarcations: toward the southeast, the municipal limits, the railway along Baily Road, Cavendish Boulevard, Kildare Road, Kellert Avenue and its extension to the northwest, Mackle Road to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 3 – Number of voters: 2504
Description Starting at the intersection of the northeast municipal limits (main part of the municipality) and the railway line along Baily Road; successively from there the following lines and demarcations : toward the southeast, the northeast municipal limits, the back property line at 6505 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest property line at 5501 Randall Avenue, the back lines of properties fronting the northwest side of Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest property line at 5500 Borden Avenue, the northwest property line at 5505 Cavendish Boulevard, the back property line at 6595 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest property line at 5510 Robinson Avenue, the back line of properties fronting the northwest side of Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northeast and northwest property lines at 6695-6701 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the northwest and southwest property lines at 6707-6713 Côte Saint-Luc Road, the southwest property line at 6715-6721 Côte Saint-Luc Road; the southeast municipal limits, Ashdale Avenue, Earle Road, the southeast extension of Oakwood Avenue, the railway along Baily Road, to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 4 – Number of voters: 3006
Description Starting at the intersection of the railway along Wavell Road and the railway along Baily Road; successively from there the following lines and demarcations: toward the south, the railway along Baily Road, the southeast extension of Oakwood Avenue, Earle Road, Ashdale Avenue, the southeast municipal limits, the railway serving as the base line of the municipal limits at the southern extremity of the municipality and the railway track along Wavell Road to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 5 – Number of voters: 3008
Description Starting at the intersection of Eldridge Avenue and Mackle Road; successively from there the following lines and demarcations: toward the south, Mackle Road, the back lines of properties fronting the southwest side of Eldridge Avenue, the southwest property line at 7905 Guelph Road, McMurray Avenue and its southeast extension, the railway along Wavell Road, the southwest municipal limits, the northwest extension of Eldridge Avenue, to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 6 – Number of voters: 2992
Description Starting at the intersection of Stephen Leacock Avenue and Macke Road; successively from there the following lines and demarcations: toward the north, Mackle Road, the northwest extension of Kellert Avenue, Kellert Avenue, Kildare Road, Parkhaven Avenue, the railway along Wavell Road, the southeast extension of McMurray Avenue, McMurray Avenue, Guelph Road, the southwest property line at 7905 Guelph Road, the back lines of properties fronting the southwest side of Eldridge Avenue, Mackle Road, the northwest extension of Eldridge Avenue, the western municipal limits, the northwest extension of Stephen Leacock Avenue and this avenue to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 7 – Number of voters: 2711
Description Starting at the intersection of Kildare Road and Cavendish Boulevard; successively from there the following lines and demarcations: toward the southeast, Cavendish Boulevard, the railway along Baily Road, the railway along Wavell Road, Parkhaven Avenue, Kildare Road to the starting point.
Electoral District no. 8 – Number of voters: 2704
Description Starting at the intersection of Mackle Road and the northeast municipal limits, (main part of the municipality); successively from there the following lines and demarcations: toward the southwest, Mackle Road, Stephen Leacock Avenue and its extension, and the northwest and then northeast municipal limits to the starting point.
The public notice of renewal of the same division is available for consultation at the office of the undersigned, at City Hall, during regular business hours, at the address indicated below, as well as on the City of Côte Saint-Luc website.
NOTICE is given that, in accordance with Section 40.4 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (CQLR, c. E-2.2), any elector may, within 15 days of publication of the notice, an elector may inform the clerk in writing of the elector’s objection to the maintaining of the division into electoral districts. This objection must be addressed as follows:
Me Pascalie Tanguay
Legal Services and City Clerk’s Office
5801 Cavendish Boulevard
Côte Saint-Luc (Quebec) H4W 3C3
NOTICE is given that, in accordance with Section 40.5 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (CQLR, c. E-2.2),the municipality is required to follow the procedure set out in Division III of said Act, for dividing its territory into electoral districts if the number of objections received within the prescribed time is equal to or exceeds 100 voters (Section 18 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities).). The City clerk shall inform the Commission of the situation.
A map illustrating the boundaries of the eight (8) districts is attached.
GIVEN at the City of Côte Saint-Luc, on this 24th day of April 2024.
Florine Agbognihoue
Assistant City Clerk
For further information, please contact Florine Agbognihoue at 514-485-6800 ext. 1704 or at [email protected]