The City Council of Côte Saint-Luc adopted By-law 2557 at a special council meeting on Monday, June 1, 2020. The by-law requires face coverings at all municipal buildings and inside commercial establishments. It also requires hand-washing stations at apartment buildings and condominiums, and some other requirements summarized below.
Here is a summary of the main provisions of the by-law:
- Apartments and condos: owners of apartment buildings and condominium associations will have to (a) make hand-washing stations available at the entrance of their buildings and inside or outside the elevator, and (b) place at all entrances a Quebec government poster called Information aux propriétaires et aux locataires d’immeubles à logements multiples, and a poster from the City called Recommendations for residents in apartments and condos.
- Municipal buildings: Visitors must wear a face covering at all times inside municipal buildings, such as the library.
- Commercial establishments: Owners or managers cannot allow a customer inside their store, restaurant, hair salon or other commercial establishment who isn’t wearing a face covering. They must also implement a programme following the guidance in the document Interim Recommendations for Grocery Stores and Essential Businesses produced by the Institut national de santé publique.
The by-law takes effect immediately. However, there will be a grace period for apartment buildings and condos to install the required items. Commercial establishments will also have time to implement their program.
Fines will not be issued to customers of commercial establishments. In general, by-law enforcement will be done at commercial establishments when a security and supervision programme is not complete or not implemented, and at apartment buildings and condominiums if hand washing mechanisms are not installed or posters not posted.
Resources for commercial establishments
- Interim Recommendations for Grocery Stores and Essential Businesses
- Written attestation pursuant to article 2.4 of By-law 2557
- Poster for customers (optional)
Resources for apartment buildings and condominiums
- Information for Owners and Tenants of Multi-unit Residential Buildings (required poster, in English)
- Information aux propriétaires et aux locataires d’immeubles à logements multiples (required poster, in French)
- Recommendations for residents in apartments and condos (required poster, bilingual)
Frequently asked questions
Does the by-law require that I wear a face covering in stores, restaurants, hair salon and other commercial establishments?
Does the by-law require that I wear a face covering in municipal buildings, such as the public library?
Does the by-law require that I wear a face covering in parks or on while going on walks?
No. However, we recommend that you keep a face covering with you in case you find yourself in a situation where you can’t maintain the recommended 2 meter, or 6 foot, distance from others, like when walking through one of the underpasses.
Does the by-law require that I wear a face covering in my apartment building or condo?
No. However, we strongly recommend that you wear a face covering in common areas. The by-law requires condo boards and apartment managers to add a poster encouraging the wearing of masks.
If I have asthma, do I have to wear a face covering?
No. The by-law creates exceptions if a face covering inhibits a customer’s ability to breathe in any way or for health reasons such as asthma, cognitive disabilities or difficulties in hearing.
Do apartment buildings and condos have to install hand-washing stations?
Will the city be distributing face coverings?
Yes. We will release details on the plan soon. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to purchase cloth or disposable face coverings. You can also make one at home using an old t-shirt and some elastic bands.
Why should I be forced to wear a face covering?
Wearing a face covering will protect other people around you if you have COVID-19 but don’t realize it yet.
Does the by-law expire?
The by-law is set to expire on August 31, 2020. The City Council will decide whether to amend the by-law to extend the time frame.